NEO - New Employee Onboarding Software

New hires, promotions, transfers, and departures are examples of events that can trigger user account provisioning processes. Manually managing user accounts, permissions, and the scope/reach of a granted permission can quickly become one of the IT department’s most time-consuming jobs.

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Golden Five - New Employee On/Off boarding

New hires, promotions, transfers, & departures are the examples of events that can trigger user database management process in various softwares, change of permissions, change of licensing. Manually managing user accounts, permissions, and the scope/reach of a granted permission can quickly become one of the IT department’s most time-consuming process. When a new employee is hired, it takes the IT department an average of 30 – 60 minutes to create a new account and assign proper permissions in every user database software. This process can be delayed by several days if the IT department is swamped with other tasks or if the account is not created correctly on the first try. This delay can leave a new employee stranded and unproductive on what was supposed to be their first day of work. Moreover, if an employee leaves the organization, and user off boarding delays can cause security, risk, compliance, data breach.

Creating new accounts occurs during onboarding is just one part of the whole account management process. When an employee changes their name, gets a promotion, or leaves employment, their account details and permissions must be audited and updated.

NEO- Automated provisioning removes the difficulties and delays caused by manually managing user accounts.
For many organizations, the HR system is the first point of registration for employees. Many organizations adhere to a policy of, “if the employee is not present in the HR system, nothing will be done. The employee will not pass the company reception”. As such, HR systems serve as organizations’ “single point of truth.” The next logical step is to use the HR system as the leading source for automating User Account Management tasks. And this is exactly what we do with our software. Our software is configured to look for changes in the personnel data, such as new employees, promotions, and name changes.

When these changes are detected, our software will automatically take action to create and maintain accounts throughout your network and related systems. These systems include directories such as Active Directory, Office 365, Google G Suite, as well as business applications like SAP and Salesforce

In addition to saving time and money, automated provisioning improves overall security. The HR system holds vital information about the employee’s role in the organization via the attributes of a job title, department, division, location, etc. The role determines what kind of IT services the employee needs to perform their job.

NEO software tackles the issue of automated user provisioning and access management.

Whenever there is a change in the HR system (e.g., new employee, name change, role change, leaving employment), our solutions trigger the appropriate process automatically. This makes account management quick, simple, secure, and cost-effective. providing cloud0based user account provisioning and self-service workflows. Give your users streamlined application access and self-service capabilities no matter where they are in the world. Configurable approval workflows and dynamic forms let you customize the experience to fit your organization’s unique needs.

NEO Key Features:
  • Build on G5 Power User Interface
  • Automated Employee On / Off Boarding Solution
  • Multi-Level Designation Based Approval
  • Secure & Role Based Access
  • Windows AD User creation, modification and disabling
  • Microsoft 365 User & Mailbox Creation & Deletion
  • Microsoft 365 License Assignment & Removal
  • Integration with multiple software like ERP system etc.

Not every organization is the same and yours may be using a set of user attributes that are unique to your industry or business processes. NEO offers unlimited customizations which includes but not limited to the following:

  • Pull or Push the User Data from Different Sources (SharePoint, Oracle, SAP etc.)
  • Provision & Deprovision Users to Azure Active Directory
  • Provision Custom Attributes
  • Use Only User Creation with CSV
  • Reporting Dashboard
  • Additional Customizable Options for example recruitment system & integration
Value Preposition:

Without NEO, you might be investing time & money in various activities. We have mentioned some of them here:

  • IT Administration
  • HR Administration
  • Admin Administration
  • Software Licenses
  • Delays & Escalations
Pricing :
One-time with 1 Year Support
Post 1 Year Yearly Support
Customization Priced as per Requirement
Support Includes:

Without NEO, you might be investing time & money in various activities. We have mentioned some of them here:

  • IT Administration
  • HR Administration
  • Admin Administration
  • Software Licenses
  • Delays & Escalations